If you have questions about our products, Fill out the form below and we will answer any questions you have. Tips: Fields marked with*are required. VH1580L-High-speed Vertical Machining Center (Three-Axis Linear Guideway) X/Y/Z travel:1500/800/700mm Table size:1600*800 mm Maximum working load:1500 kg spindle cone hole:BT40-φ150 主轴转速:8000RPM loose knife method:增压打刀 刀库容量:24T control system:三菱M80B控制系统 X/Y/Z轴快递位移:20000mm/min cutting feedrate:80000mm/min positioning accuracy:±0.003/300 外形尺寸:4200×3300×3500 机床重量:10500kg power demand:25KVA *products: *name: *firm: *mailbox: *Phone: WhatsApp: Your needs: *Digital verification: + 82 = 89 submit Δ