If you have questions about our products, Fill out the form below and we will answer any questions you have. Tips: Fields marked with*are required. MF2616W 5-axis gantry machining center X/Y/Z strokes:2660/2200/800 卧式时主轴中心线至工作台面距离:240-1040 卧式时X向主轴端面最大距离:2000 卧式时Y向主轴端面最大距离:1500 龙门工件过宽:1600 Table size:2700X1400 T型槽:7-22-200 Maximum load-bearing:8000 Spindle speed:20000 X/Y/Z express displacement:15000 Positioning accuracy:±0.005/300 机床外形尺寸:7000*4300*4200 *products: *name: *firm: *mailbox: *Phone: WhatsApp: Your needs: *Digital verification: + 24 = 33 submit Δ